Towo Holiday Hotel (Anshun Tashan Square)

The Towo Holiday Hotel (Anshun Tashan Square) is one of the newest hotels in Anshun, having opened in 2018. With Anshun Railway Station just 2km away and Huangguoshu Airport only 7km away, transportation is very convenient. Famous local attractions Bailing Hot Spring and Former Residence of Wang Ruofei, can both be reached with a short walk. At the end of a busy day, travelers can unwind and relax in the hotel or go out and enjoy the city. Guests of this Anshun hotel can make use of the parking facilities.

  • 会员011543:酒店很差,环境不好。
  • 会员399414:老板人很热情,就是卫生很差,真的很差,二楼还一股子霉味,当时就想推掉,但是推掉要把房费全部扣掉,舍不得,就想着凑合一夜没关系,况且工作人员说四楼没有霉味,就还是开了,结果到处灰尘尘,哎呀,我的妈呀,可以说没一处干净的地方,还有被子也潮潮的,想着就一晚上应该没事,舍不得一百多块钱,真的很恨自己,第二天起床就发现我女儿浑身红疹,很夸张就是一边脸靠着睡也有,我可以爆粗口吗?我真的很想给好评,我也知道现在生意不好做,大家互相理解,但是,是在做好本质工作上的理解,对消费者负责基础上理解,我不想恶意诋毁,也不想闷不发声,我不希望有别的小朋友和皮肤敏感的人再来有这种糟糕的经历,老板人是很好,里面人都很热情,但是卫生真的太差了,不是普通的差,当初没想着差评的所以没拍照,图片是昨天在动车上拍的我女儿后背,不知道能否看清楚红疹。很糟糕的体验,回来立马去医院开药洗了擦了才好。但是仍然还有小红点。 .
  • 会员7944:到贵州旅游,这家是性价比最高的,挂牌二星酒店都不如它,内部设施齐全,清洁温馨,给人一种到家的感觉,你值得拥有
  • 会员6051:醉人,住个酒店房间换了两三次房间,不是没有这样就是没有那样的,关键是没有电梯用走的。第二天早上还有人开门进来说要查房,问题是我们还在睡觉没有退房好吗?!走了之后还说我们退了两次房多得他们100块钱。拜托我们就一张押金单一张房卡,不知道要怎么退两次。无语


Towo Holiday Hotel (Anshun Tashan Square)
  • Address :  No.8 Shixi Road,Xixiu District,Anshun,Guizhou

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:94123)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 18385135946
      (Catering Entertainment)

Towo Holiday Hotel (Anshun Tashan Square) reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:94123) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:18385135946   Meeting room reserve

Towo Holiday Hotel (Anshun Tashan Square) address: No.8 Shixi Road,Xixiu District,Anshun,Guizhou

途窝假日酒店(安顺塔山广场店)Towo Holiday Hotel (Anshun Tashan Square)

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