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The Yishan Jiushe Hotel provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. The Yishan Jiushe Hotel offers a pleasant stay in Hangzhou for those traveling for business or leisure. Hangzhou Railway Station and Xiaoshan International Airport are located 80km and 104km away respectively. The hotel is located close to many of Hangzhou's attractions including Zhinan Village and Shenlong River Scenic Area. In their spare time, guests can explore the hotel's surroundings. This Hangzhou hotel offers parking on site. According to our guests, the location of this hotel is one of the best around. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling with families.

  • 会员6502:精品民宿,风景怡人,适合公司团队出游或者家庭出游。民宿服务到位,帮我们提行李,给我们安排烧烤的地方,由于自己烧烤设备没带全,他们还帮我们提供各种便利,早餐丰富好吃,厨师厨艺不错,有求必应,非常不错的旅游度假体验,下次还会再来。
  • 会员2888:很早朋友就推荐了这家山庄,一直想来,终于如愿了。景色真的很漂亮,空气也很好,很适合全家亲子游或者和朋友一起来。而且我儿子也特别喜欢,在民宿房间里看着那个木头凳子一直说很喜欢那个凳子,让我也去买个,还说以后也想建这样的房子,第二天都要回家了,还不愿意走,还要多住几晚,希望下次还能带他再来住个几天。
  • 会员7580:环境优美,地理位置好,交通方便,房间舒适卫生,整个房间装潢很温馨.有家的感觉.更有帐篷房.房车多种选择.有露天游泳池.小孩子的游乐设备.服务人员很热情,乐于提供各种帮助,窗外风景好.房间小摆件的设计也很有特色.性价比不错,下次还要入住.
  • 会员6687:环境很好,占地面积也大,有帐篷房,房车,独立整栋家庭式房间,露天游泳池,小孩子的游乐场地,绿植很美,房间装饰风格,亲切舒适,到处可见别出心裁的复古工艺装饰品,还遇到了画家在这里作画!看得出来老板是很有品味,喜欢传统复古装饰的,有一些沙发有欧式的感觉,风格多样化,每间房间有不同的设计装饰,独一无二,超级喜欢,周边有一些旅游景点可以徒步,也可以驾车前往,非常近,这次玩的很开心,住的很舒服!


  • Address :  Near No.205 Provincial Road (Mount Dongjia, Waihengdu Group, Linmu Village),Linan District,hangzhou,Zhejiang

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:84421)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 17757171394
      (Catering Entertainment)

reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:84421) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:17757171394   Meeting room reserve

address: Near No.205 Provincial Road (Mount Dongjia, Waihengdu Group, Linmu Village),Linan District,hangzhou,Zhejiang


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