Orange Hotel Select (Guilin Station)

The Swan Hotel (Guilin Tian'e Binguan) is located near the railway station and is 23 kilometers from the airport.Sporting a modern design and decorated to maximize comfort, guestrooms in this Guilin hotel come equipped with air conditioning, international direct dial telephones and 24-hour hot water.

  • 会员2912:来桂林玩,订了桔子3个晚上,分别住了两个不同的房间,都给我升级了。简约的装修,喜欢它家智能的电灯,房间大小ok,卫生很好,前台的服务也是棒棒哒。出门就是公交车站,去高铁桂林站也就几分钟路程,不过打车去周边景点也不贵!
  • 会员2679:特别喜欢桔子酒店的风格,第一次住这家桔子一来就爱上了,前台小姐姐服务特别热情特别好,一到前台就奉上一杯茶水,还帮我特意安排了一间大房间,感谢!房间卫生也是特别干净,早餐品种特别丰富,特别喜欢吃她们家做的米粉,酒店离景区也特别近,下次还来她们家。
  • 会员3388:这是一家目前住过的性价比非常高的独立酒店,装修有格调,风格非常清爽舒适,有点简约风,酒店本身是单独一栋楼和副楼改造,有停车场,晚上非常安静舒适。酒店的安全系统也做的很好,刷卡上电梯,刷卡开门进入客房区域,避免外来人员乱窜,客房的装修很清爽,洗手台卫生间,淋浴一应俱全,床头还有灯光控制器,各种风格的灯光很赞!窗帘也是自动的。需要强调的是,非常舒适干净,床特别软,床垫和枕头不比五星级差。这家酒店超越预期,值得入住!
  • 会员1330:前台服务很非常好,非常有耐心解答我的问题,让我感到非常意外,故而一到房间我就拍照给好评了,音响是我的最爱,可以播放自己喜欢的歌曲,音质很好。交通非常方便,出门就有出租车,进出大堂都有服务员问候,非常温馨,出差首选


Orange Hotel Select (Guilin Station)
  • Address :  No.5 Cuizhu Road Xiangshan District Guilin China,Xiangshan District,Guilin,Guangxi

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:36116)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 0773-3557999
      (Catering Entertainment)

Orange Hotel Select (Guilin Station) reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:36116) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:0773-3557999   Meeting room reserve

Orange Hotel Select (Guilin Station) address: No.5 Cuizhu Road Xiangshan District Guilin China,Xiangshan District,Guilin,Guangxi

桔子酒店·精选(桂林站店)Orange Hotel Select (Guilin Station)

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