Jingxing Hotel

The Jingxing Hotel (Xianju Jingxing Binguan) is located in downtown Jingxing and offers a range rooms in a variety of styles as well as a multi-functional hall. Guests staying in the hotel's signature Wangyue Room can enjoy scenic views of the local landscape.

  • 会员1399:早餐很简单,但可口,吃饱没问题;有停车场;酒店位于山顶上,从停车场到山顶酒店,可以乘一段电梯,但还是需要爬比较多的台阶,如果带的行旅比较多的话,会不太方便;如果运气足够好,碰到好天气,可以看到满天繁星,赏月、观日出,看云海,空气特别好
  • 会员6828:为朋友订房。他们说酒店位置比较好,在景区里面的,所以环境特别好。房价也很好,并且含早餐。晚上在酒店的餐厅用餐,也很不错的。总之性价比很高。
  • 139yxgxm230:景星岩上唯一一家酒店,设施已经陈旧了。但是看云海和日出是一级棒的地方,运气好的天气还可以看到满天繁星!
  • 会员9490:为了躲避5/1出行高峰特地选择4/30晚上出发,碰到仙居地区雨水不停,上山路有点艰难。凌晨1点到达景点停车场,景区大门是关着的,需要叫门卫大爷开门,而且是要买票的,大人55小孩28。时间有限。景星岩人比较少,5月1号2号都没看到有很多游客,早上可以在酒店看日出,整个景区比较小。体验2天还不错,那个花岗岩滑梯其实挺吓人的,如果想玩,建议不要穿好的鞋子,要靠自己双脚摩擦减速,感觉很伤鞋


Jingxing Hotel
  • Address :  Jingxing Scenic Area,Jingxingfengjing District,Xianjutaizhou,Zhejiang

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:78543)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 0576-87039518、87039519
      (Catering Entertainment)

Jingxing Hotel reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:78543) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:0576-87039518、87039519   Meeting room reserve

Jingxing Hotel address: Jingxing Scenic Area,Jingxingfengjing District,Xianjutaizhou,Zhejiang

仙居景星宾馆Jingxing Hotel

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