Yali Jun'an Hotel

The Yali Jun'an Hotel is a great choice for guests looking for accommodation in Anshun, having been recently opened in 2020. With Anshun Railway Station just 1km away and Huangguoshu Airport only 8km away, transportation is very convenient. This hotel is located near many of Anshun's attractions including Yuantong Temple, Former Residence of Wang Ruofei and Anshun Batik Museum. In their spare time, guests can explore the hotel's surroundings. For guests' convenience, airport pickup can be arranged. For those driving themselves, parking is provided on site. This hotel is particularly popular with those traveling with families.

  • 会员1679:刚到的时候看到一楼楼梯口有点简陋,以为很糟糕。原来是要上去六楼才到大堂办理入住,装修还OK。房间挺大,卫生还可以,就是淋浴间地很滑 注意小心。 缺点是空调不太冷,不过懒得更换房间了,希望改善。借宿一晚得话,总体还是可以的 优点是房间楼层高 早上可以俯瞰安顺小城市,旁边是菜市场,路边也有好吃地道的卤水粉面。
  • 会员9142:酒店位置好,楼层高视野好,房间大,但是房间不隔音,0:00左右走廊大妈大声喊其它房间人,然后好几个大妈走廊大声说话,,被吵醒后开门走廊里和大妈说让她们小声,她们回屋里大声说话,又走廊来回说到1:30,终于没声音了,4:20又被走廊说话声吵醒,太没素质了,真像网上说的坏人变老了,酒店也是不隔音,已后选酒店还得试试隔音效果。
  • 会员8095:酒店位于市中心,出门办事很方便,酒店环境不错、房间宽敞、打开窗户就能看见全市风景。服务员热情礼貌、酒店安全消防设施齐全,住的很安心。酒店消毒方面做得很到位。强烈推荐。
  • 会员088376:环境不错,住着很舒服。下次出差还选择这。


Yali Jun'an Hotel
  • Address :  No.18 Zhonghua South Road,Xixiu District,Anshun,Guizhou

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:81843)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: +86-851-33344888
      (Catering Entertainment)

Yali Jun'an Hotel reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:81843) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:+86-851-33344888   Meeting room reserve

Yali Jun'an Hotel address: No.18 Zhonghua South Road,Xixiu District,Anshun,Guizhou

安顺雅丽君安大酒店Yali Jun'an Hotel

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