VK+ Hotel (Ningbo Outlets, Airport)

The VK+ Hotel (Ningbo Outlets, Airport) was recently opened in 2019, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Ningbo. The hotel is conveniently located just 10km from Ningbo Railway Station and 10km from Lishe International Airport. The hotel is just 4km from Huanggulin Straw Museum and 4km from Wang Shengda Museum, making it an ideal location for guests looking to do some sightseeing. After a long day of sightseeing, guests can retire to the comfort of the hotel. This Ningbo hotel provides parking on site. Germaphobes can rest easy - the level of cleanliness is highly rated at this hotel.

  • 会员1197:满屋子的柜子给我留下深刻印象!
  • 会员4742:时间关系没有拍照片,因为真的太累了😫。 真心觉得这家酒店做的很好,性价比高,卫生间里面的细节做的都很到位,浴室🛀干净无味,房间宽敞舒适,之前看了很多给差评的一直犹豫不敢来,来了之后确实觉得值回票价,下次过来办事还会选这家,希望价格还会像这次一样优惠!
  • 会员8723:先说说优点 日式风格 小清新 榻榻米 房间面积大 服务还不错 再说说缺点 酒店位置在集士港 周围还是蛮冷清的 照理应该会很安静 但是下午真的很吵 不知道为什么 旁边竟然有人放鞭炮 还有人按了很久的喇叭 根本没休息好 还有卫生情况有待改善 一翻开棉被发现被单上竟然有头发 还有床真心不大 两个人睡的话略挤 只能说一分价钱一分货吧
  • 会员2870:这家酒店的性价比很高,这边有很多厂区,我们是过来出差的,有自己的停车场,房间的无线网很快的,连接电脑也没问题,用着很舒畅,服务很贴心,临走的时候每人送一瓶水,前台还有很多一次性用品,餐厅在酒店一楼,有自助的洗衣机,目前挑不出毛病,嘿嘿。


VK+ Hotel (Ningbo Outlets, Airport)
  • Address :  Building 1, Zhongliang Guobin, No. 18 Rikui Road, Jishigang Town,Haishu District,Ningbo,Zhejiang

  • Reserve :  +8620-86007566 (CouponCode:67448)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 0574-83899292
      (Catering Entertainment)

VK+ Hotel (Ningbo Outlets, Airport) reserve:020-86007566 (CouponCode:67448) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:0574-83899292   Meeting room reserve

VK+ Hotel (Ningbo Outlets, Airport) address: Building 1, Zhongliang Guobin, No. 18 Rikui Road, Jishigang Town,Haishu District,Ningbo,Zhejiang

微客+酒店(宁波奥特莱斯机场店)VK+ Hotel (Ningbo Outlets, Airport)

Disclaimer: We are partners of Ctrip (including Tongcheng Elong, Qunar,Zhuna, etc.), booking, Agoda and Expedia. We only provide VK+ Hotel (Ningbo Outlets, Airport) online booking service for you. Your reservation will be forwarded to the hotel by Ctrip, Tongcheng Elong and other partners. If there are problems such as liquidated damages, Tongcheng ELong or Ctrip will deduct the money and transfer it to the hotel, We are not the official website of VK+ Hotel (Ningbo Outlets, Airport), please know.